Naramata Slow Outdoor Winter Market

Event Dates:
  • Fri December 6, 2024 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Event Cost: Free Admission
The most magical night of the year in Naramata is drawing closer!! 💚⭐️
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6th from 4pm – 7pm join us in the Village for the 4th Annual Naramata Slow Outdoor Winter Market 🐌🎄💫
A European style market complete with all the activities and vendors to make you proud to shop, and gift, a little (or a lot) of #naramatalove 💚
Live music, warm and welcoming local shops, a fire pit to roast marshmallows, steaming cups of hot chocolate, delicious locally made treats, and our amazing farmers, artisans and crafters offering up the most thoughtful, practical, flavourful and beautiful creations that you could stuff a stocking with. And, of course, wine, beer, cider and spirit tastings to keep spirits bright.
Naramata community groups, downtown businesses and artisanal vendors will be on-site and open offering up a amazing selection of food and beverage options to keep your tummies full and your core warm ☕️ 🌭 🍔 🥤 🍲 🥟 🍵 Bring the whole family!!